Why Blogging is Important for SEO Rankings

Businesses that do blogging consistently as a part of their content marketing receive many more leads than a website that doesn’t.
You’ve only got a few seconds to make a notable first impression with your website’s blog. Businesses that do blogging consistently as their content marketing receive many more leads every month than a website that doesn’t. Receiving leads comes from a strong SEO ranking and is valued highly by search engines. SEO is that pinch of salt that a lot of businesses seem to forget about and the actual practice that increases both the quality and the quantity of a company’s web traffic. Here are a few reasons why your company’s blogging is so essential for boosting your SEO ranking!
Increases Your Organic Search
Did you know that 70 to 80 percent of people ignore paid search results, deciding to only click on organic search results? Think of your organic search as your grocery produce. Organic search is a typical search in its standard form. This means no ads, no auctions, and no bidding to get your business in that number one spot. Each time you write a blog, you create a brand new URL for your website, and every new URL is a unique chance for your website to be ranked highly in a search. While blogging takes time, you can carefully craft your keywords and topics that will make you look like a pro in your industry and earn you much higher rankings on search engines.
Creates New Content
The fresher your content is, the more frequent the indexing is. The more you update your social media accounts or sites with articles, downloads, and brand new web pages, the more frequently a search engine visits and favors your company website. Search engines value and prefer relevant and updated content. Your homepage and landing pages shouldn’t change that much, so sticking to weekly blogging that incorporates the most relevant topics helps you build a relationship with your consumers and provides fresh content for search engines to index.
Builds Company Credibility
Blogging allows your company to talk about relevant topics within your industry. Blogging helps show authenticity and builds credibility with current and potential clients and search engines. Businesses that blog have many more ways to be found inform, and share their perspectives and thoughts. When you build a solid reputation and create a reliable voice, you’ll get more website traffic and repeated visitors. In turn, it shows Google that people are drawn to your website and raises your authority level within their algorithm. Blogging is one of the unsung heroes of your company’s web design and should strongly be considered to drive in new traffic.
Contact Adventure Web Interactive Today
For more tips on how to optimize your web content and drive more traffic to your Facebook page, follow our blog. Adventure Web Interactive offers expert marketing solutions, including blog and copywriting and social media management. Take the stress of planning, posting, and plotting off of your team and contact us online or by giving us a call at (410) 788-7007. To see more information about our team and services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.