
Posts Tagged: web site

Essential SEO ABCs

Here’s an interesting article on some search-engine optimization (SEO) basics. We can skip over the first part, because by this point, most people know the value of SEO. The essentials that the article mentions, though are very helpful.

How to choose a Web site designer

Whenever you look up criteria for choosing a contractor, you see the same things over and over: Find out how much experience they have, get references, and check their credentials. When if comes to choosing a Web site designer, these are easy tasks. A designer’s work and clients are out there on the Web for all to see. So what else can you use to pick the right designer? Here are some ideas.

How important is SEO?

Advertising Age has provided further arguments on the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) pointing out that it’s the most important way of building a company’s customer base. There are many different components to an optimized site, and we wanted to pass on some of them to give you an idea of what people mean when they talk about SEO.

Achievements and Accolades