
Posts Tagged: custom designed websites

Why connect Facebook with shopping?

Have you ever thought about how many people are on social networking sites, such as the infamous Facebook for example, at any given moment spanning the entire globe? Well think about it. Now consider the thought of your products being available to not only look through, but actually purchase, online while they’re in the middle of updating their status, checking out their best friends new pictures or stalking their significant other’s wall.

Welcome aboard Epidemiology International!

Are you interested in the research or consulting solutions of epidemiology? Well then you’ll want to check out our newest website Epidemiology International! EI is a small, woman-owned contract research and consulting firm specializing in the design, conduct, and analysis of epidemiologic research.

The importance of search engine optimization is proven!

Search engine optimization has certainly become a new phenomenon in the last few years when referring to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc., but the real question is; how important is it?

iProspect previously partnered with JupiterResearch in December of 2007 and January of 2008 to create a research study on exactly how search engine users utilize search engines and what companies should be considering when establishing their websites based on SEO.

Achievements and Accolades