
How to Successfully Integrate WordPress With Your Social Media Accounts

How to Successfully Integrate WordPress With Your Social Media AccountsFor any business, having a strong online presence is the key to success. Nowadays, this does not mean just having a slick, SEO optimized website. Social media has become a massive part of digital marketing and customer retention. This does not mean you should focus on one more than the other. All of the most successful businesses know how to integrate their WordPress websites with their buzzing social media accounts. Combining these two major aspects of your company’s digital presence will make it much easier for users to find you and interact with you on whatever digital platform that they prefer. Here are a few ways you can begin to integrate WordPress and social media together to get the best results.

Share Any New Posts Automatically

Once you have created a website that looks good and is filled with engaging content, make sure that it can be found by sharing new posts on social media automatically. Find an easy plugin that posts every new blog and article on each of your company’s social media accounts. This will help your website reach more possible viewers and will remind your older followers of your existence to have them coming back for more content.

Be Sure Your WordPress Content is Optimized for Social Media

Once your blog posts are published onto social media, check to see if the links look professional and eye-catching. This means the title, description, and image are all appropriately optimized for various social media outlets. Try using a social sharing optimization plugin that can do the hard work for you.

Make Sure to Keep Track of Your Sharing

Keep track of your social metrics and data to see which posts gain the most traction and which social media platforms are the best. This will assist you in tailoring future posts and ensuring that every article will bring in the views and clicks you need.

Make Your WordPress Posts Shareable

Make it simple for readers to share your posts on their accounts. This one is important as it is free advertising for your website. If a reader wants to share one of your posts, it’s likely that their followers will also be interested in reading it as well. Make sure to include attractive social sharing buttons and a call to action at the bottom of every post so that your readers can share your articles with one single click. Again, optimizing your content for social media sharing is very important, as your readers will want the link to look flashy and neat on their social media pages too.

Contact Adventure Web Interactive Today

For more tips on how to optimize your web content and drive more traffic to your Facebook page, follow our blog. Adventure Web Interactive offers expert marketing solutions, including blog and copywriting and social media management. Take the stress of planning, posting, and plotting off of your team and contact us online or by giving us a call at (410) 788-7007. To see more information about our team and services, follow us on FacebookTwitterYouTube, and LinkedIn.


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