
The Most Important Analytics to Track on Your Website

analytics adventure web interactive

You can learn so much about how visitors interact with your website. These are some of most important analytics to track!

The world is more digital than it has ever been before. In this modern age, many customers’ first impression of your business will be its website. Thankfully, tools such as Google Analytics make it exceptionally easy to gain in-depth knowledge on how people interact with your site, Today, we’ll give you the low-down on some of the most important metrics you should track.

Traffic Sources

From where on the internet does traffic enter your website? Is it through organic search, social media, or advertisements? Google Analytics and similar tools can tell you exactly that. We can break all traffic sources down into these three basic categories:

  • These visitors came across your website through an organic search query.
  • Direct traffic visitors typed your URL into their address bar.
  • This category of visitors clicked a link to your website from another blog post, social media page, etc.

Knowing which traffic sources perform the best gives you a sense of where you can concentrate your digital marketing efforts.

Exit Pages

Knowing how visitors arrive at your website is important. But how about where they leave? This is where the ‘exit pages’ metric comes into play. It tells you what page a visitor was on when the session ended.

Your calls to action are probably at least a click or two removed from your homepage, and if these pages show up high on your list of exit pages, then that’s a red flag. See what features you can add to boost conversions.

Bounce Rates

Another one of the most important analytics to keep your eye on is your bounce rate. This one is pretty self-explanatory, but let’s take some time to explain exactly what it means. Visitors who ‘bounce’ from your website only view a single page.

Generally speaking, the lower your bounce rate, the higher your conversions will be. The golden zone is somewhere from 70 to 25%.

Session Duration

Now let’s have a look at the flipside. When your business’ website gets a visitor hooked, they’ll want to stick around. Google Analytics offers an ‘average session duration’ metric, which tells you for exactly how long visits to your website typically last.

A high average session duration is usually a sign that your content is engaging and relevant to your readers’ interests. But it’s not always a good thing. Sometimes, sessions go on longer than they have to because of archaic web design and poor navigability. Tracking your conversions will give you a sense of whether you have the bad kind of high average session duration or the good kind.

Contact Adventure Web Interactive Today

For more tips on how to optimize your web content and drive more traffic to your website, follow our blog. Adventure Web Interactive offers expert marketing solutions, including blog and copywriting and social media management. Take the stress of planning, posting, and plotting off of your team and contact us online or by giving us a call at (410) 788-7007. To see more information about our team and services, follow us on FacebookTwitterYouTube, and LinkedIn.


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