
Hashtag Help for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Google+



Need hashtag help? You’re in the right place!

Do you know how to properly use a hashtag? Hashtags play a critical role in social media marketing via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Google+. If you aren’t using them correctly, they aren’t working to your advantage. Adventure Web Interactive is here with tips on how to #hashtag.

What is a Hashtag?

A hashtag is any word or phrase prefixed with the hash, or number sign, character (ex: #hashtag). In terms of social media, it forms a label for that word or phrase and the content associated with it. Hashtags are a great way to categorize content and track metadata, making content more manageable for the user.

Hashtag Success on Twitter

Hashtags were essentially born on Twitter. So if you want to use them to your advantage, Twitter is one of the best places to do so. Why? Because Tweets published with a hashtag generate twice the engagement as Tweets without. Tip? Limit your hashtags to two per tweet. Studies show that Tweets with one to two hashtags report 21 percent more engagement, while Tweets with more than two hashtags drop engagement by 17 percent.

Hashtag Success on Instagram

Unlike Twitter, there is no need to limit your hashtag use on Instagram. Instagram is a #hashtaghaven! Studies show that Instagram posts with 11 or more hashtags earn the highest engagement and can heavily increase interaction with followers.

Hashtag Success on Facebook

Facebook was one of the last to board the hashtag bandwagon. While hashtags are very present on Facebook now, they aren’t utilized as much by users in comparison to Twitter and Instagram. Studies show that posts with one to two hashtags generate the most interactions.

Hashtag Success on Google+

Several businesses utilize Google+ and can effectively use hashtags in their updates and to share their content. If you aren’t sure what hashtag would best suit your content, Google+ is unique in its ability to auto-generate hashtags for you to choose from. Learn more about hashtag success on Google+ and how to utilize your options here.

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