
Harnessing Social Media’s Power to Influence Purchase Decisions

Purchase Decisions and Social Media

Studies have shown that consumers are much more like to make purchase decisions due to positive reviews from trusted friends and family.

Social media made its name initially as a great way for friends and family to share news, photos, and fun moments with each other. In recent years, however, social media has also played an important role and impacted the way businesses interact with current and potential customers. Specifically, social media has tangibly influenced the way consumers make purchase decisions. Consider that, according to the latest studies, around 74% of shoppers make purchase decisions based on social media. B2B businesses are also seeing definite returns from social media as well. How can you put this power to work for your business?


It’s no secret how potential customers are more likely to make purchase decisions based on reviews. But the internet and social media have had a particularly strong influence on this fact. As many as 80% of consumers are likely to buy a product or service based on the positive review of one of their friends and family. Use this influence to your advantage – encourage your happy customers to leave positive reviews on your social media pages or promote a specific hashtag to help get the conversation about your company started online.

Branding and Content

Your company’s online persona will also have a strong influence on your customers’ purchase decisions. An active brand that posts and shares content meaningful to their audience builds a rapport that leads to a larger following – and, consequently, more business. Make sure that the content you post is valuable to your base and stay active by interacting with them online in a meaningful way. You’re more likely to build up that brand awareness that is a necessity in today’s marketplace.

Social Media Advertising

Advertising on social media is a growing business that will soon surpass all other forms of media advertising. This is not necessarily a bad thing, though, as social media ads can be precisely targeted to reach the exact audience you want to attract with the right message to advance your goals. No matter where your customers happen to be on the sales funnel, you can make social media advertising work for you and your customers and help them make purchase decisions that benefit your business.

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