
Using Flagship Content to Boost Your Digital Marketing Success

If you’re looking for ways to boost the reach and authority of your website, content marketing is king. Creating content that is targeted to the keywords that your audience is looking for is one of the most effective ways to increase your readership and get your site in front of the right eyes. Unfortunately, it can be easy to become too focused on timely blog posts and forget to think about the value in flagship content. Also known as cornerstone content, these are articles that stay relevant and useful no matter when the reader finds them. For example, a blog post entitled “The 15 Biggest Home Remodeling Trends in 2016” may generate a lot of buzz, but it will eventually become irrelevant. On the other hand, an informative flagship post that answers the questions that your company hears all the time will provide your audience with useful information no matter when they read it. Learn more about why you should incorporate flagship content into your digital marketing strategy, below.

flagship content


Using Flagship Content to Boost Your Digital Marketing Success

Flagship content provides the answers your audience are searching for

Flagship content acts as the cornerstone of your blog and provides inherent value to your readers. Some of the most useful ways to incorporate flagship content is through an FAQ post or a detailed “About Our Company” blog. When it comes to flagship content, it’s important to focus on thoroughly getting your point across so these articles are typically much longer than an average blog post: Between 1500-2000 words is standard. Cornerstone content also offers the chance to include a number of targeted keywords that will help improve your organic ranking. It’s worth considering implementing cornerstone content a few times per year in addition to your regular blog posts to provide your readers with useful and sharable information.


Another great way to incorporate cornerstone content is with an in-depth tutorial or detailed explanation of a popular product or service. When considering what topic could be used for your flagship content, think about what kind of information your clients are looking for. If you have a plumbing business, your audience might love a detailed article on the most common plumbing problems that they can fix themselves. Flagship content should add value and answer the questions that your clients are asking so that it acts as a resource that readers can turn to again and again. By providing a thoughtful and detailed answer to the questions your readers are asking, your audience will also be more likely to share the content which will increase the organic reach and authority of your site.

Need help with your content marketing strategy? Contact Adventure Web Interactive

If you’re looking to boost the reach of your website, our content marketing solutions can take your website to the next level. We offer a range of digital marketing services, including blog writing and social media management. You don’t have to worry about posting the right stuff at the right time—we can do that for you. Contact us to see what we can do for your business today!

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