
How Instagram is Changing to Optimize Business Presence


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Instagram is a becoming a powerhouse for businesses and marketers alike. How are you using their latest features to your advantage?

Have you been wondering how the powerhouse that is Instagram could benefit your business? Despite reaching 400 million users last September and continuously expanding, many brands have failed to join the visually-driven network. Adventure Web Interactive is here to fill you in about Instagram’s latest updates and how they could benefit both marketers and business owners.

Instagram’s Algorithmic Update

There has been feedback thus far that Instagram’s recent algorithmic update hinders organic reach within the platform. However, Instagram put this update into place because their research showed that users were missing up to 70 percent of the posts on their news feed. When the new algorithm rolls out in full-effect, posts will be ranked by relevance to the user, the relation the poster has to the user, and how recently they were posted – whereas before, posts were organized in chronological order based on time of publication. The best way to keep the relation factor from hindering your organic reach is to produce valuable content that will outshine your competitors. Remember: Quality > Quantity.

Instagram Paid Ad Campaigns

Paid ad campaigns are common on Facebook, and even Pinterest as-of-late. If you are creating valuable, high quality content for your Instagram – it will pay to promote it in light of the recent changes. Instagram has implemented paid ad campaigns that feature all of the same options that can be found on Facebook. This matters because it will allow marketers to utilize Instagram in a new way with projected massively successful results. These ad campaigns will help businesses and marketers drive potential sales while building trust, and it can all be done from a mobile device.

Instagram Changes to Optimize Business Presence

In an effort to help businesses optimize their presence, Instagram also plans to roll out business profiles (similarly seen on Facebook and LinkedIn) that will be featured alongside further robust data metrics on postings, etc. Additionally, Instagram quadrupled its maximum video time allowing users to post videos that last for up to 60 seconds. This is major, especially since videos watched on Instagram increased by 40 percent in the last six months. Embracing these features and utilizing this opportunity to share video content, connect with your followers, and speak to them like never before is sure to boost business and help you stay relevant.

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