
How to Overcome Facebook’s Recent News Feed Changes

Facebook News FeedHave you noticed a recent drop in the Facebook engagement – likes, comments, and shares – on your company’s page? If so, you are not alone. After making changes to its News Feed in 2014, just 2% of business’ posts reached their fans and only 0.7% of those fans interacted with these posts. In 2015, Facebook began filtering even more of these posts from News Feed, and even more changes are in the works.

“The impact of these changes on your page’s distribution will vary considerably depending on the composition of your audience and your posting activity,” explained Facebook last November. “All of this means that Pages that post promotional creative should expect their organic distribution to fall significantly over time.”

Overcoming Facebook News Feed Restrictions

While organic reach may never be what it once was, dropping more than 49% since 2013, there are several strategies you can implement to help your posts perform better.

  1. Encourage Engagement: When a person regularly interacts with your page, liking, sharing, or commenting on your posts, they will be more likely to see your posts in their News Feed. Therefore, it is very important to encourage engagement. Ask question. Start a debate. Find ways to get people excited about what you’re posting.
  2. Videos and Photos: Facebook gives top News Feed priority to videos and photos. Plain text updates are less likely to be seen by your fans. So do what you can to make your Facebook posts more aesthetically appealing.
  3. Post Times: When you post at peak times, which would seem to make sense, it could actually limit your visibility. Just think about it. With more competition, there is a greater chance that your post will fail to be seen. So try posting at non-peak times: 10 pm – 3 am.
  4. Paid Reach: The future of Facebook marketing is paid reach: ads and boosted/promoted posts. This shift is even more apparent with Facebook’s latest News Feed changes. I guess Facebook needs to find ways to make money, right?
  5. Trust the Professionals: With recent Facebook News Feed changes, it is harder and harder for businesses to achieve the organic reach they covet so much. The solution: call in the professionals. Adventure Web Interactive is here to help you leverage your online presence with our social media marketing packages. Our campaigns also include a custom-skinned blog and weekly blog posts, all in an effort to increase brand awareness and, most importantly, SEO. Call now for a free Social Media evaluation.

The Types of Posts People Want to See

According to a 2014 study by PR Journal, Fortune 500 companies have three very distinct strategies for what they post to Facebook.

  1. Behind the Scenes: Give your Facebook fans something they can’t find anywhere else. Give them a behind the scenes look at what goes on in your company. This could be a bio on an employee, some pictures of your factory or warehouse, or anything really. Just make sure your content is unique to Facebook. Make sure your fans’ Facebook experience is truly one of a kind.
  2. Start the Conversation: In 2015, Facebook reached 1.44 billion active users monthly (936 million daily active users), and many of these users are using the popular social media platform to find local businesses. According to research, 80% of people prefer to first connect with brands on Facebook. Why? It gives them an opportunity to connect with their favorite brands on a more personal level. So open up the lines of communication.
  3. Keep it Positive: Make sure you are giving your followers a positive experience. Keep it light. Keep it positive. Keep it fun.

If you have any questions about Facebook News Feed or Social Media Marketing, please contact Adventure Web Interactive by calling (410)-788-7007! Our friendly staff is ready to answer any questions you may have and help you along your journey to a new website and new opportunities.

Source: How to Improve Your Facebook’s Organic Reach


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