
The Not-So-Obvious Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social Media MarketingAs a business owner investing in a new social media marketing campaign, you want to see results and you want to see them almost immediately. The hope is that you will gain hundreds of new likes on Facebook, and the phones will start ringing off the hook. Ca-ching! Unfortunately, this is often not reality. But that doesn’t mean your social media marketing campaign is not effective. It takes time to build momentum (remember, slow and steady wins the race) and the benefits are not always obvious.

The Not-So-Obvious Benefits of Social Media Marketing

  1. What many people do not realize is that social media can be a great tool to drive traffic to your website. This helps put new, potential customers in front of your product or service, which can, in turn, help drive sales. If you have Google Analytics installed on your site, you will be able to better track the increased traffic social media brings.
  2. It takes six to eight exposures to a product or service before a customer makes a decision. Sound familiar? It should. This old marketing adage has been around for a while. And social media is a great tool to help push that repeat exposure your business needs to drive sales.
  3. Social media can be a powerful tool to help you and your business establish authority in your field and increase brand recognition. Social media allows you to directly connect with your audience, share content, answer questions, and build your following.
  4. Social media is also a great market research tool. If you want to know what your target audience is interested in, ask them! It is that simple.
  5. While traditional marketing, such as television or radio commercials, bill boards, and print advertisements are passive, social media marketing is active, allowing businesses to engage with their target audience.
  6. Utilize social media will give you a competitive advantage over your competition. Consumers nowadays expect the companies that they do business with to have an online presence. And this doesn’t just mean a website anymore. Consumers expect you to have a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube profile. Not being on social media could actually hurt your business more than you realize, costing you potential new customers.
  7. And More!

Have patience with your social media marketing campaign. Even if you are not seeing the value now, the benefits are there and they will only increase over time.

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The Hidden Benefits of Social Media Marketing: Why Your Strategy May Be Working Better Than You Think, Forbes


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