
How Can I Use Keywords to Effectively Market My Business?

Keywords Online Marketing

Search engine optimization is not the only reason that keywords are important.

Remembering to think about keywords before writing the content for your website is crucial to gaining visibility by your target audience. Without copy on your website rich in effective and relevant keywords, your website will just not show up in a Google search towards the top of the list – or even on the first page. However, search engine optimization is not the only reason that keywords are important. Keywords are also used in content topic development and social media profile optimization, among other things.

The Many Uses of Keywords in Online Content

  • Keywords for SEO

The most commonly known reason to write keyword-rich copy on your website is for search engine optimization. The more you use keywords in your content (for example, “tree removal” and “tree trimming” would be good keywords to use for a tree services company), the higher your website will show up in a Google search for that keyword.

  • Content topic development

The easiest way to add fresh new content to your website on a weekly or even daily basis is through blogging. Your blogs should include relevant, pertinent information that your customers and clients will be able to benefit from. Deciding on the best keywords to use for your industry ahead of time can help you generate blog topic ideas and make sure everything stays related. If your keyword was “tree removal,” for example, you could decide on “Emergency Tree Removal Services after a Summer Storm” as your topic.

  • Social media profile optimization

We often think of SEO, but we usually don’t think of it in terms of our social media accounts. It’s just as important to optimize your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and other social media accounts with keywords as it is your website content. You want to make sure your keyword phrase is in your company’s description, bio, or “About You” section (depending on which platform you’re using). Keywords should be in your updates and posts as well – just be careful not to overstuff them.

Adventure Web Interactive

Adventure Web Interactive is a Baltimore web design company that can meet all your web design needs. Whether you are a small business trying to get off the ground or an established company who wants to boost their online presence, Adventure Web can help you with all of your web concerns. Contact us today at 410.788.7007 for a free consultation or to learn more!


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