
How to Master SEO for Small Businesses

Small businesses often feel as though they are fighting uphill battles. They do not have all of the advantages, such as name recognition and vast resources, that larger companies have, and so they have to work twice as hard to gain the attention and support of customers. However, by fully utilizing SEO for small businesses, even a one-person operation can find success in the competitive business world! Read on to find out how.

 Analyze My Site for SEO: Is It In Good Shape to Show Off My Small Business?SEO-for-small-businesses

 When you analyze your site for SEO, consider whether it meets the following criteria.

  • Are your social media profiles optimized? Your social media profiles are as connected to the success of your business as the design of your website is. Your social media profiles should be filled out using the keywords and phrases that people looking for a service like yours will use in a search engine. This will greatly boost your SEO for small businesses and make it easier for potential customers to find you!
  • Are your site’s pages linked to inbound and outbound pages? If you analyze your site for SEO, you will note that link building plays a huge role in SEO for small business success. Links to pages within your site and links that lead to your site’s social media profiles should be included throughout your content in order to improve your SEO ranking.
  • Are you using the social media platforms you should be? We all know about the importance of Facebook and Twitter, but what about other social media platforms? Google+ is an important one for your small business to use if it wants to improve its SEO ranking; by using Google+, Google (the most frequently-used search engine) will be more likely to recognize your site. Pinterest is another increasingly popular venue for those looking to improve their SEO for small businesses.
  • Are you engaging with your customer base? Having a social media profile is not enough- you need to use it! Social media profiles are the perfect place to get in touch with your customers, answer their questions, and share your small business’s latest offerings with them.
  • Are you working with SEO experts? No one knows SEO for small businesses better than a team of SEO experts. They can keep you and your site up-to-date on all of the latest trends and technologies playing a role in your business’s SEO.

To work with a team of experts who will analyze your site’s SEO and improve your small business’s online profile, get in touch with Adventure Web Interactive today for more information!


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