
How a Search Engine Marketing Company Boosts Website Authority

You know how important it is to rank high on search engines. The vast majority of searchers will not go past the first page of results to find what they’re looking for. As such, your website needs to be on the first page if it’s going to get any significant traffic. So how do you get it there? One of the ways is by building your website’s authority. Learn what website authority is, and how a search engine marketing company in Maryland can help you build yours, in our blog.

What is a Website’s Authority?

Website Authority – The website’s reputation as a trusted, reliable source.

Authority is essentially how much the search engine trusts a website to provide searchers with the content they’re looking for. The search engine looks at a number of factors to determine how much authority a website has. We’ll discuss these below.


How much authority does your website have?

What Factors Make Up a Website’s Authority?


The search engine wants to see lots of quality, unique content on a website. This shows the search engine that there’s a lot of information here that could be useful to searchers. Search engines use complex algorithms to analyze the content on websites and return the results that have the most quality content.

User Experience

Another important factor search engines use to determine a website’s authority can be defined as user experience. This is made up of a number of factors, for example:

  • Whether the website is mobile-friendly. Google is now penalizing sites that don’t have a mobile-friendly version, which means they won’t show up as high in the results.
  • Site load speed. How fast does your site load? Google knows, and it also knows that searchers don’t like waiting around for a site to load. Almost half of all searchers will give up on a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load. The faster your site loads, the better it will perform in result rankings.

Social Media Presence

Building up a strong social media presence is important for so many reasons, and this is one of them. The more people share and engage with the content you create and link to on social media, the more visits your site will get. Search engines see that your site is getting more hits, which alerts them to the fact that people consider your site to be a trustworthy source for information.

The Nitty Gritty

There are tons of technical components that factor into a website’s authority. This includes how well-optimized the site is for SEO, with things like meta tags, title tags, image optimization, and keywords, to name a few. The average user isn’t even aware that these are there, but the better optimized your site is technically, the more authority it will have.

How Can a Search Engine Marketing Company in Maryland Help?

With our comprehensive approach that makes sure every component of your website and your online marketing strategy are fine-tuned, we can help you build your website’s authority and get the search results you’re looking for. Contact Adventure Web Interactive today to learn more.


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