
Build Your Own Website: Too Good to Be True?

If you’re looking at web design options, you’ve probably come across the build your own website concept. The idea is basically this: use a pre-designed template to build your own website quickly and affordably.

Sounds great, right? A quick and easy way to get your very own website up and running! However, the truth is that the idea that you can build your own website is too good to be true.

Sure, you’ll get something up on the Internet quickly and for a rock-bottom price. But this website is nothing more than a facade. Sure it might look nice, but it has none of the features that your website really needs if you want it to grow and generate business. In today’s blog, we’ll talk about why this is.


Build Your Own Website: Too Good to Be True


Hosting is the first major pitfall you’ll encounter with most of these build your own website platforms. Here’s what happens.

They offer cheap or even free hosting, which sounds like a great deal. Frequently, this hosting is of poor quality, and unreliable. In addition,your site actually shares its hosting with a lot of other “build your own websites” from the same provider.

The end result? Your website will be more likely to slow down or go down completely. It doesn’t matter if it’s your site that’s getting the traffic, or someone elses on the shared hosting. A problem with one site causes a problem for the rest of them.

Generating Traffic

The main reason any business gets a website is to generate traffic that will generate more business. Generating this traffic is a skill. You need to be able to look at a lot of data, analyze it, and use it to implement SEO practices in order to generate the traffic you want. Most people don’t know how to do this, and don’t have time to do it themselves. And you can be sure the company from which you got your build your own website won’t help. What’s the use of a website if it doesn’t get any traffic?

User Interface

User interface is defined as the features your website offers to facilitate a user’s experience on your site. Build your own website packages usually offer features that look attractive and nice, but the reality is that these features aren’t one-size-fits-all.

You want a website with a user experience that is tailored for your target market. A professional web design company can give you this. A one-size-fits-all build your own website company can’t.

Potential for Growth

The Internet changes in the blink of an eye. Internet browsers come and go out of fashion. Coding languages and plug-ins that were once the norm are now hardly in use, and incompatible with new browsers. User interface designs are changed to reflect the constantly changing demands of website users.

What does this mean? A build your own website does not have the capability to keep up with the always innovating online world.

But, a professional web design company in Baltimore does. Interested in learning more? Talk to Adventure Web Productions! Call us today at 410.788.7007 or contact us here.



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